
Is there a payoff from top-team diversity?

Between 2008 and 2010, companies with more diverse top teams were also top financial performers. That’s probably no coincidence.

Article|McKinsey Quarterly

April 2012 | byThomas Barta, Markus Kleiner, and Tilo Neumann

Access the article here: Is there a payoff from top-team diversity

Culture at work

The value of intercultural skills in the workplace

The modern workplace is increasingly globalised and competitive. Communicating with customers, colleagues and partners across international borders is now an everyday occurrence for many workers around the world. Consequently, employers are under strong pressure to find employees who are not only technically proficient, but also culturally astute and able to thrive in a global work environment.

© British Council 2013

The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.

Access the article here: Culture-at-work-research

Competing across borders

How cultural and communication barriers affect business
A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit

Competing across borders: how cultural and communication barriers affect business is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by EF Education First. It explores the challenges companies face when they have to operate or compete in increasingly international markets. Specifically, this paper assesses the role that cross-border communication and collaboration play in the success or failure of companies with ambitions that are not hostage to national borders.

Access the article here: Competing across borders